Big Springs Newsletter
Dear Big Springs Community, January/February 2024
The school sends out many text messages and emails regarding reminders for upcoming events or changes in schedules. Please be sure to check those or our school website for any updates.
February 16 and 19 - No school / Presidents Day
March 1 - No school for students / Staff development Day
Update on COVID-19 from Ventura County Department of Health:
In accordance with CDPH guidelines, any employee or student who has symptoms of any illness (e.g., fever, cold, flu, stomach flu, COVID-19, etc.), should stay home. Individuals may return to work or school when they start to feel better, meaning their symptoms are mild and improving, and they have not had a fever for a full day (24 hours) without the use of fever reducing medications. The previous quarantine or isolation periods that were in the most current guidelines are no longer required. Masking is recommended for those who test positive for COVID. Masking is not required but recommended in the updated guidelines.
Take time to discuss with your child issues such as when and where homework will be completed, your own expectations for their education and even setting goals, but short and long term. Students do best when rules are in place and expectations are followed, that of course always starts at home. If you were to ever have any questions about how to make sure your child is working up to their potential do not hesitate to contact their teacher or myself.
Tips for Good Study Habits:
Show your child how to position their workspace at home away from visual and auditory distractions. You can help to create a portable homework station to keep all of their study materials on hand.
Learning how to prioritize is an essential skill for studying. Keeping an eye on due dates is helpful, but it might not be the only way for your child to prioritize homework. Some students prefer to start with the easier work before moving on to the harder stuff. Others prefer to tackle the tough things first. Watch your child to see which option seems to work for them. Lastly, do not forget to teach your child how to organize their backpack or break down assignments into smaller steps.
Parking Lot:
When dropping off in the morning please make sure your child is ready to exit the car on the right side with supplies (backpack, snack, etc.) ready to go. Parents should not get out of the car to assist. This may seem a bit callous, however, when parents leave their car to help their child with jackets, school supplies, and say goodbye it does hold up traffic in our drop off line. The same goes for the afternoon pick up. Please make sure you are moving forward so all cars can begin to move freely within our parking lot. You should not leave your car at dismissal time as well, because this leads to unattended cars not pulling up and once again inhibiting the traffic flow. The parking lot system and protocols currently in place work only when all our community members follow those procedures. Just one or two people not following the rules can inhibit the ease of navigating the parking lot.
Simi Valley Police do periodically monitor all schools reminding drivers of appropriate driving and parking laws. This monitoring is for both inside the school parking lot and while driving or parking in the neighboring streets. Feel free to contact the police directly if you witness unsafe driving practices around any school within our community.
Be courteous and patient while driving around the campus, its parking lot and surrounding neighborhood streets.
We ask that when dropping off or picking up your children from school that you respect the directions our campus supervisors or any staff member are providing, so traffic can proceed in a timely manner. We are all role models to our students about following rules and demonstrating patience.
Animals on Campus:
Please leave your animals at home when you are dropping off or picking up your students. Animals, except approved service/therapy animals, are not allowed on campus for safety and sanitation reasons.
APEX Fun Run is scheduled for March 14. The PTA may be reaching out for a limited number of volunteers for that day’s event. If you are able to volunteer we ask that you do commit to the entire event which would mean a 7:45 am until about 12:30 pm time frame. The PTA will also need volunteers to assist with our Jr. Olympics program. Look for more information from our PTA as the event approaches.
Thank you,
Sean D. Platt